icon512Come and try our virtual “Electronic Engineer” game! You play as an engineer for the first time in the history of games in app store all over the world!
It’s really fun to play this game with your children!

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Multinetz-Electronic-Engineer/dp/B00ZPPAKKU/

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/electronic-engineer/id1007175567?mt=8
In this electrical engineering game you have some fun and hopefully learn something!
This is fun and engaging electricity game .
“Electronic Engineer” is an interactive learning tool for everyone (also kids ).
-Virtual “Electronic Engineer
-Original game idea
-Play as an engineer
-First time in the history of games in app store
-Interactive learning tool
-Good for everyone (also kids )
-fun and engaging electricity game

Category: Games & Apps

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